Monday, June 22, 2009

It's Official...

I have been telling myself for 2 months atleast that I can't consider myself uncomfortable because the last month wasn't here yet. I told myself that I couldn't start complaining because the last month would be worse. Well, I've reached it! And I was right, it is worse. The baby is up in my ribs alot, there is no comfortable position, I'm hungry and full constantly and I still have three weeks left. I hate with a passion this final stretch of time. I'm impatient for it to come one minute and the next I know that I just can't do this again. I think all this uncomfortableness is God's way of getting us women to say. BRING ON LABOR and a crying baby, anything to just have all the uncomfortableness and sleeplessness gone. Thanks alot, Heavenly Father. I mean that literally and sarcastically. I do think it is good to get us to the point where we want the baby out, but man does it have to be so... Anyway I know all you Mothers out there feel my pain, literally, or have felt it before. I just needed to get that off my chest and sit down for a minute. Hope you all have a great day.


  1. I know exactly how you feel, I was due the 22nd with Lucas and oh so swollen. I am grateful they enduced me a week early! :)

    I know that it isn't an option for you but, if you need us to watch your kids we are here! Even for one last date night with Matt!:)

    I can't wait to see your little dude!

    Oh, and eventhough you feel uncomfortable at least you still look cute! Wouldn't it be awful if your felt crappy and looked crappy too? I am hoping that we continue to have cool days for your sake! :)

  2. I'll send my 2-week-early vibes your way! (but NOT the 9 pounder vibes)

  3. I totally remember those days, and am not looking forward to them! Please don't hesitate to let me know how I can help out! We are definitely having dinner sometime this week or next ... but anything else, don't hesitate to ask! Big hugs! You can DO it!

  4. Cathy, you are amazing (and funny, even when miserable). I hope the next few weeks go by quickly... we're rooting for you. Hope the weather is nice to you.

  5. good luck kathy! one thing at a time, right?

  6. Still pregnant? I hope little Rush comes soon! I can't wait to see him.
