Sunday, July 11, 2010

Rush Photoshoot

My camera is not the best and trying to get a one year old to sit long enough to take some pictures is, let us say difficult. Even so, we ended up with some pictures that I am happy with. I wish I had a cute hat for the motorcycle picture, but oh well. Some of them you can tell, I did not clean up at all, and yes I know his shirt is backwards. I did it on purpose because I liked the shirt but I didn't want the writing. We couldn't get a good picture of him standing alone not holding on to anything, so you get to see a bad picture. Anyway he apparently likes to stick out his tongue a lot but it is a cute tongue so it's okay.


  1. I love the last pic...such an adorable smile!

  2. Kathy! The block turned out GREAT and I LOVE the motorcycle pictures. SO cute!!

  3. Thanks for the idea Jeanette. I'm so glad that you suggested it.

  4. Too cute! I love the tongue, by the way!t
