Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Rush's Special Day

Notice the new glasses. I call them my Iron-Man glasses.
This is all of the family that came. Thanks Mom and Dad and LeAnn and family for coming.Awwww...isn't he sweet.
Rush in his sweet blessing outfit. He looks so cute.
It was a special day.


  1. I am bummed that we missed it. Rush looks ADORABLE.

  2. Soooo cute! What a handsome boy he is!
    (Where did you get his outfit? Is it the same one that you used for Gideon? or is it new? I am searching for one. Wes will be blessed on Sept 13th)

  3. You look so beautiful, Kathy. I'm glad you guys had such a special day. I'm sorry we missed it.

  4. Wow! Didn't realize you were blessing him -- wish we could have been there -- so glad your parents could be with you. I was hoping they would be able to come soon and see him before he got too big. The shirts are so cute and when I first saw them I wondered how you had time to make those -- what a fun thing for your mom do to while she was there. Rush looks adorable and so do you! Miss you all - love mom

  5. Those glasses are so cute! I want to see that baby period! I hope he's enjoying his towel. :)
